Here is a screenshot showing my finished models for my trees. I think the low poly look has come out really nice and the patchwork design works a treat. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was thinking of getting rid of one of the models and I think now I can see how the texturing looks on them that the rounded tree benefits more from the patchwork than the crumpled version.
These are the textures used on the trees. As you can see the patchwork has a neat stitching effect around the squares which I feel adds a really lovely touch of detail despite the simple concept. The trunk has a very subtle speckled design to it to add a bit of texture but I think I'd still like to experiment with the size of the dots as well as other designs.

Here we have a screen shot of what they look like after being taken into Unity. As you can see, the low-poly effect has disappeared after importing them in. I think it's mostly to do with the lighting but considering I want to have a dark blue/purple kind of hue due to the time of day I think I'm going to have to live with it. Other than that I thin it looks really nice with the Toon Shader.