Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point from Takuya Hosogane on Vimeo.

Previously I had done a post on a video that was inspired by this and because it holds some relevance to my project i'm going to dedicate a post to the original master piece. This is motion graphics piece by Takuya Hosogane and it's just amazing. The piece incorporates both sound and visuals in a really stunning way. The transitions used throughout are really clean and sharp and the movement in sync with the music is incredible. It's also visually attractive in terms of colour and because there's so much going on it keeps you captivated. The choice of music a really bouncy and quirky, the isolated sounds really help the visuals in terms of movement.

For my responsive brief, this is the kind of thing I imagined doing, obviously not at a professional standard like this, but everyone has to start somewhere. I think both visuals and music can tell a story and that together, should be substantial enough to fulfil this project.

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