Following on from a previous post, I've since used the textures I created and put them together in Photoshop before applying them as a textures to my basic tree model. I quickly did a mock up of a tree to better get an idea how my blend of textures looks and I am pleasantly surprised. The dark spots in the texture seem to resemble tree knots and the change in colouration throughout the texture seems to work really well for the bark. I'm quite please with the overall painted look as I think it will help give my environment a lot of character in-comparison to using realistic textures from the internet. More importantly it gives it a more original look as i've created the textures myself and it seems to be paying off.

The texture on the left is the original blend of textures I created via photoshop and the texture on the right is a patchwork version of it. The patchwork texture I feel was necessary to make in an attempt to get rid of the lines my original texture created on my model. Comparing the two images below, you can see that it looks a lot cleaner after using the patched version.

Overall I think it's looking great so far and I'm happy to have finally settled on an aesthetic because from my previous posts I was swaying towards a patterned look but I felt that it would have been too over powering for my environment and a bit harsh on the eyes. It didn't look so bad when I tested it because I tried a more subtle approach to adding pattern but I just feel it looks a lot better without it. None the less, here is my patterned version.
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