Friday, 16 November 2012

Chris Green

Chris Green is a second year student at Norwich University and studies Game Art and Design. His modelling abilities are at a really professional level and the texturing and attention to detail is impeccable. He uses a mix of programs the main ones being Maya, Cry Engine, Z Brush 4, Photoshop, and some personalised packages and add-ons. Here is just a few bits of his work some of which I referenced for the corridor design.

This is a great example of his attention to detail. The scratchy textures on the rock and the cracks and chips in the block look so real. It almost looks like a photograph and it's truly inspiring. I'd really love to get to a level in which my work couldn't be noticed if I put it into a real environment. For a future project I really wanted to try out something like this. It's definitely a great idea for portfolio work I think, to create a simple asset but kit it out to a professional standard. All the small details count and can be the difference between a good and great envrionment.

This is a level design Chris did using the unreal engine. All the assets, the lighting and the small details like the foliage hanging from the trees and the tree roots have been executed so well. I'd like to say it looks real and it does but I think there that sense of perfectness about it especially in the brick works. But overall it's a beautiful piece of work and it serves as a great reference for our group project. Although there's a huge difference in terms of graphic style the different plants and the idea of adding statues might come in handy.

This is one of the pieces I referenced while making the temple corridor. The geometry for this is really sharp and flat and the textures are quite subtle which I like. I think for the graphic style we're aiming for as a group though the textures and stuff will be a lot more simplified than this but despite that, really grateful to find another student working on the Aztec/Mayan environment. It's been really useful as a visual aid.

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