Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Joseph Campbell: Monomyth

Joseph Cambell's Monomyth, also known as the "Heroes Journey" is a cycle of events which is commonly found in stories across different kinds of media.

The Monomyth is broken down into different sections in which certain events take place, willingly or reluctantly forcing the protagonist to fulfil the cycle. These events consist of other characters who help drive the story of the protagonist and an array of events that take place, leaving an imprint on the protagonist. 

This is a diagram showing the cycle on the heroes journey. As mentioned previously, along this cycle are different characters (archetypes) which can trigger or represent the different roles and events that help shape the story and guide or attempt to throw the hero from this path. 

Putting this into perspective for my character who is the mentor, he would probably be introduced at the "Call to Adventure" because the mentor is a character who offers guidance to the hero therefore laying out the path of this journey he or she has to undertake. He could also appear as a "Helper" and join the hero on his journey. Also the mentor is usually accustomed to give the hero some kind of gift that will help him or her on their journey. 

With this in mind, I might try to incorporate some of these characteristics into my character theme tune because I really want it to be a good reflection of my character  Although not the hero, I do want a sense of progression in the composition to show his journey as an individual.

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