I have to thank my sister for introducing this game to me. Symphony is basically a PC game that randomly generates unique levels based on the songs in your library. You basically battle through each levels as the music creates enemies and bosses which you must eliminate.
The visuals are very eye-catching and beautiful in effects and colour. The gradual change in colour and the glowing effects look really influenced by the audio spectrum/equaliser which I think, is a nice touch.
On their official website, they state that the two initial concepts for creating this game are...
"Your music creates the game"
"Every song has a unique emotion, sound and rhythm, and we wanted the gameplay to capture that as fully as possible. When your music gets intense or calmer, so does the gameplay. Enemies appear and shoot on the beat of the music. Some weapons are music-driven. Each song has its personality and it directly translates into gameplay."
"In Symphony, each song in your collection not only becomes a unique level, but also provides you with an item you can equip and challenges you with score targets to reach. As you progress through the game, you unlock new difficulty levels, new items and abilities! This means you have many reasons to play your favorite song over and over."
I think these concepts are really inspirational and it's always interesting to see what different elements are what anchors down different game companies, in this case, it's mainly focused on gameplay and user interaction.
This game is a perfect example of music that informs gameplay and it's rather exciting to see just how it was executed.
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