my concept art I am going to be collaborating with Deanna Hatton. So
far I have discussed a range of different ideas that I am still
investigating such as animal deities.
really like the idea of having some kind of animal influence on the
costume and colour scheme of the characters and possibly exploring

idea has been highly influenced by Egyptian mythology and the Zodiac
as well as general research into the different animals that appear in
the seasons. I thought that applying animal traits would make for
interesting design, personality and even behavioural qualities for
the characters.
are a lot of examples of anthropomorphism being used, especially in
the fantasy genre. There are also a lot of fantasy creatures that
take inspiration from living animals such as the Harpie and the
I have so many sources of inspiration, I am going to create a series
of annotated mood boards to help get my ideas across as well as
setting up dates to meet up and further discuss ideas and progress.
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