The flowers however were quite interesting as I modelled them this time because my usual approach is again just using flat textures in a similar fashion to tree foliage where they are slightly angled against one another. Modelling the flower head was at first quite difficult to get a grasp of but i eventually found a good way to go about it and i'm very please with the results.
As you can see in the image below I tried to make subtle variations of the flowers so some of them have more flower heads than others as well as differences in size.
One of the main features for the flowers was that they were suppose to glow as I was aiming to create a fantasy winter landscape with special flowers that only bloom in this season and glow during the night. This looked great when I tested it in Maya as you can see but in Unity I struggled to get the glow effect to work and in the end never managed it. I loaded all the appropriate asset files with the glow and bloom effects and applied them to my plant layer in my Unity project but nothing happened. I tried it with other assets too and tried adding effects to the camera but still nothing happened. Hopefully I can sort this out for the End of Year Show though.

Another thing I had trouble with with regards to my flowers were adding the toon shader. The majority of my models use the lighted toon shader so they accept light from the lights that i have in my scene but the flowers went almost a black colour when I applied this shader so instead I used the basic one. All this meant is that my flowers aren't effected by the light sources in my scene but unless mentioned i'm not really sure you can tell anyway.

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