Thursday, 22 May 2014

Preparing for an Interview

Preparation for an interview is essential as I am of course job hunting and need to be prepared for the various scenarios I could be put in and also know how to answer the questions given.

I did some research into what needs doing before an interview and how to make a good impression. The answers below are a summary if my findings put into my own words along with some of my own suggestions I have been taught by others.

What do I need to do before an interview?
  • To do lots of research into the company and the role you are to fulfil within that company as you may be asked questions regarding that role
  • You also need to ask yourself why you are suited for the role you are applying for whether it be your skill set or interests or even a combination of the two, you must know how to respond to 'why' you are applying for that role. 
  • Following on from the last point you must anticipate the kind of questions you will be asked. It varies from industry to industry but it would be a good idea to set up a range of questions and answer them in a mock interview scenario. 
  • You must also memories the route to the interview destination and know how to get there otherwise if you leave it last minute and get lost you will be late and not make a very good impression to your potential employers.
  • For travel, if by public transport you will require money and if you drive you must know the surrounding area sand potential places to park. 
  • You obviously need suitable clothes for the interview as well. All jobs require different get ups and are not always formal so make sure you visit the place and perhaps sneak a peak at other interviewees. 

How do I make a good impression?
  • You must be dressed appropriately. As much as you hate to admit, looks play a big part of an interview probably even more so than what you have to say.
  • You must arrive early if not in time for your interview.
  • A firm handshake is always a good start when introducing yourself to a potential employer as a firm handshake shows that you are an open and extroverted person and not shy to start and build new relationships. 
  • Good posture as body language gives away a lot about your current feelings and the kind of person you are. 
  • Constant or well maintained eye contact is an important and polite way to address someone when talking and also show your attentiveness towards conversation. 
  • Take your time to answer the questions given to you and also voice any concerns and questions you may have for them. 

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