Friday, 16 May 2014

Revisiting My CV

So after my change of direction and help via the results of my personality/career tests, I decided to revisit my CV and re-write my personal statement.

I found that the tests I took previously really helped with me finding the right words to better describe myself as a person. Also, with me now accepting that I don't want to work in the media industry I can now move forward and write honestly about what working positions I am interested in.

There are many jobs that I believe will suit me as there are many positions that are customer facing such as retail and restaurants. To appeal to various jobs I have left my personal statement quite open only focusing on my people skills and not naming any specifics. I'm not entirely sure if this approach will work as there is no specific desire for the positions I've applied for and perhaps my statement needs to be more forward and state my ambitions to progress in a certain industry? I will find out soon though because it's early days in terms of applying for work and if I don't hear anything within a period of time I will revisit my CV again, make changes and see if it improves my chances.

For obvious reasons I will not post my CV on here as it holds personal information among other details that could be stolen. So I will either sending emails out to the necessary people and/or handing it in with the rest of my work for the deadline.

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