Tuesday 4 December 2012

Recording Studio and Sound Effects

Today I quickly arranged some of the sounds we recorded in the sound booth to create a track for our level. All of the sound effects were done by us with exception to the crickets. I used Audacity to record and assemble the sound effects for everything. I had a lot of fun in the sound booth recording sound effects using our voices and any objects and things around us that we could get our hands on. One of my favourites would be the fire crackling we achieved by using the crisp packet. Sadly this won't be used as we don't have any torches in our finished environment.

Listening back to the track now, I'd definitely want to alter some sound levels because the monkey is obnoxiously loud and it should be part of the background in the depths of the jungle not at the foreground where it sounds like it's close by if not visible.

Overall I am pretty pleased with the general arrangement. There are a few sounds that overlap that sound s bit messy but I really like the subtle knocking sound and the clicking in the background. The bird sounds were fun to do and I had a listen to some bird calls before I decided to do them but they still aren't anything fancy.

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